€897,00 EUR

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Paper Writing Academy - - 1 payment

Get your paper written in 8 weeks and join by making 1 payment of EUR 897. 

And this is what you'll get for your total payment of EUR 897:

  • Paper Writing Academy Programme Participation
  • Bonus 1: Paper-Writing Runway
  • Bonus 2: Membership in our private discussion group
  • Bonus 3: 4 Live Q&A video sessions with Gunther

P.S. After purchasing a seat in Paper Writing Academy, you will receive a receipt from us that you can also hand-in to your institute. If you want to pay by invoice to your institute, please be in touch with us at [email protected]

What people are saying about our paper-writing programmes:

This course is so helpful, you do not only get amazing tips and "how to do” instructions, but you get even motivated to write. Now I know writing papers and getting them published in top journals is possible for me. I know exactly how to do it!

Pelita Octorina