€345,00 EUR

3 monthly payments

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Paper Writing Academy: Start 10 Feb 2025

Get the roadmap to write your next paper with ease!  

You're almost there! We can't wait to share our tips and guidance to help you draft, write, submit, and publish a paper. Here's what you'll experience over the 8 weeks of the online course:

  •  Blended learning and expert guidance from 10th Feb to 19th Apr 2025
  •  Working week by week on your manuscript
  •  Applying all instructions directly to your paper
  •  Abundant worksheets, checklists, videos, and audios
  •  5 live Q&A video sessions with Gunther
  •  Membership in our exclusive private discussion group

Join by making 3 monthly payments of EUR 345.

P.S. Upon purchasing a place in the Paper Writing Academy, you will receive a receipt from us that you can also hand in to your institution. For payment via invoice to your institution, please contact us in advance at [email protected]. 

What people are saying about Paper Writing Academy:

I found Paper Writing Academy really helpful! It provides small and applicable tips to plan a good strategy for writing, submitting and promoting a paper. I will definitely implement them in the present and future. Thank you, Gunther, for all your tips, help, feedback, and enthusiasm.

Ignacio Sevillano (PhD), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

I just published the paper that I have been working on during Paper Writing Academy! You can find it on Researchgate. Thank you so much again for your helpful course!

Antonia Ahme, AWI Institute, Germany

More than 8 weeks ago, I said Paper Writing Academy will be a success to me if I can submit a manuscript by the end of the course. Guess what: I managed to submit the paper 4 days ago in the last week of the programme.

Eva Brod, NIBIO Institute, Norway

Thanks to PWA, the paper that I worked on during the course, went very smoothly through the review process and even got published in the intended journal. Next paper to come!

Thiemo Karwinkel, Inst. of Avian Research, Germany

The Paper Writing Academy was very helpful for me. The paper I was working on during PWA was accepted for publication in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science within 10 weeks of submission. My paper went through only one round of review and the revisions were really minor. It was surely due to PWA that I had prepared a good manuscript that got accepted easily.

Nabir Mamnun, AWI Institute, Germany